Outreach Support Service

The Outreach Support Service is comprised of three teams that support and challenge schools with pupils. These are:

  • The Behaviour Improvement Team, who offer consultation, support and training to promote good behaviour within schools, as well as directly working with children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties through individual, group and whole class interventions.
  • The EAL service (English as an additional language) who support individual pupils with English as an Additional Language and provide a consultation service to schools.
  • The Travellers Education Service who work with Traveller’s families and their children to access education and provide additional support.

The Outreach Support Service works closely with the Alternative Provision Service, who are responsible for Pupil Referral Units, Alternative Education and Tuition Services, in order to support all mainstream schools in the borough with behaviour and inclusion related issues.

Team members;

Helen Boardman (Outreach Support Manager) – 01744 677249


. Lisa Cunliffe – Teacher  01744 677191


. Maureen Osborne –Teacher 01744677182


. Denise Gordon – SLA 01744676698


. Janet Hull – SLA 01744676699



The aim is to have a positive impact on school participation, engagement in learning and individual attainment through both:

  1. Working with pupils in school
  2. Offering whole school support
  1. a) Working with Pupils in School 

Via school referrals for pupils with major behavioural concerns

Intervention through BIT is part of a continuum of support for pupils with challenging behaviours. PACE provision will only normally be considered after previous work has been completed with BIT and alternatives have been exhausted.

Support for pupils is offered through:

Advice and Guidance.  For general concerns about the behaviour of an unnamed person via informal requests to the BI worker attached to the school

Observation and Assessment for a named pupil to inform possible next steps. 

Direct Work. with a BI practitioner to help pupils to manage their behaviours, 

In all cases support is offered in setting up PSPs, Positive Handling Plans and risk assessments where appropriate. 

Support for Other Pupils with Behavioural Support Needs 

Managed Transfers:  Structured support offered on the pupil’s entry to their new school

BOSS/Team Builders group work.

  1. b) Whole School Support

Consultation and Support  for School Management of Behaviour e.g. for Ofsted/  school self- evaluation/ behaviour policy/ care and control policies/risk assessments/ nurture groups/school systems around rewards and sanctions/ on-the-job coaching

Staff Training (INSET/CPD) offered either on a stand-alone basis, or as part of a wider consultation and support package 

Accredited Team Teach Training

Contact details

EYFS/KS1/KS2 Helen Boardman (Outreach Services Manager) - tel; 01744676692


KS3/KS4  Hannah Pastor – tel; 01744 677249







Helen Boardman

Outreach Services Manager

01744 676692


Hannah Pastor

HLTA   KS ¾ lead

01744 677249



Michelle Atherton


01744 675129


Agnieszka Maluchnik


01744 676693


Chloe Seddon


01744 676694



Angela Platt


01744 676695



 Services offered:

  • Meeting requests from schools for the delivery of a language support programme for pupils whose first language is not English to help them access an age appropriate curriculum. 
  • To make initial and regularly assessments of achievement and progress in using EAL. 
  • To provide advice, support and resources for staff in schools and settings. 
  • To offer a range of training packages for staff working in the early years, primary and secondary education. 
  • To work with other relevant services that support or are involved with children and families whose first language is not English. 
  • To promote race equality and positive views on diversity; supporting educational settings in ensuring that the curriculum is inclusive and culturally diverse.


Melanie Ward  (TES Lead) – 01744 677248


Helen Boardman (Outreach Support Manager) – 01744 676692


Meet the Team 





Melanie Ward


01744 677248


Michelle Atherton


01744 675129


Services Offered

  • Ascription – ensuring families feel confident about declaring their children to be part of the GRT communities, and helping us to monitor and support their educational progress 
  • Attendance – encouraging and helping GRT children to attend school regularly 
  • Achievement – supporting schools in their work to raise standards achieved by GRT pupils at all key stages 
  • To provide advice, support and resources for staff in schools and settings. 
  • Relationships with parents and the community – working positively with all partners to improve relationships with GRT parents and the wider GRT communities

 Curriculum Development – supporting schools in their work to ensure that the curriculum is culturally reflective and inclusive 

  • Race Equality and Diversity – working with all partners to promote race equality and positive views of diversity 
  • Provide learning packs for Traveller children not attending school (EHE) in order to support their on-going education. 
  • A variety of bespoke training opportunities are available to schools/nurseries/other agencies, e.g. awareness raising sessions for cluster groups, office staff, teaching staff groups etc 
  • Work in partnership with many other services and agencies that support or seek to support GRT communities.

The purpose of the Local Offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available for children with special educational needs and disabilities in their area, and how to access them.

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"I like the pictures and I like the interesting information it has on the website" - Pupil from Allanson Street Primary School

boy in a wheel chair