Help with Travel
If your child is unable to walk to school because of his/her mobility problems or because of associated health and safety issues related to their special educational needs or disability (SEND), and he/she is attending the nearest suitable provision, you may be entitled to assistance with transport.
Assistance can be any one of the following:
- A public service bus pass - for those students who can travel independently.
- Independent Travel training and a public service bus pass.
- Parental mileage - if a family member is able to drive.
- A seat on a hired service with or without a Passenger Assistant.
If you require assistance with transport you will be required to complete a SEND transport application form (PDF) [590KB] (opens new window), which will include current medical conditions and up-to-date contact details. Completed forms will need to be sent to:
School Transport Team
Atlas House
Corporation Street
St Helens
or alternatively email the completed form to