St Helens IASS - Information, Advice and Support Service

St Helens IASS supporting families of SEN


St Helens IASS is a statutory service providing information, advice and support on matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The service is offered to children and young people with SEND, and their parents/carers 

St Helens IASS provides free, confidential, impartial advice and helps parents play an active and informed role in their child’s education.

St Helens IASS has a team of advisers who can provide:

  • Confidential and impartial information, advice and support to children, young people and their parents/carers on Education matters and Health and Social Care matters in relation to education.
  • Information, advice and support on subjects including local policy and practice, personalisation, personal budgets, preparation for adulthood, the law on SEN and Disability, Health and Social Care.
  • Information, advice and support throughout the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process and review process.
  • Information, advice and support about SEN Support in settings, schools and further education.
  • Support in preparing for and attending meetings.
  • Help in filling in forms and writing letters/reports.
  • Support in resolving disagreements, including Disagreement Resolution, Mediation and Tribunals.
  • Signposting to other local or national sources of advice, information and support.
  • Links to local parent support groups and forums.
  • Information about St Helens Local offer

St Helens IASS operates a ‘self-referral’ process. However, on occasions it may be considered appropriate for a professional to make contact with the service on behalf of the parents/carers or young person. The service will act upon such requests only on the full understanding that consent has been given.

Please use the online form to help our team deal with your query in the most efficient way.

Withdrawal from tribunal 
Case Review form
Refusal to assess - Appeal form
Mediation Process
Beverley Ellis - St Helens IASS Coordinator
Joanne Taylor - IASS Case Worker
Elaine Pilling - Administrative Officer 

01744 673428  

Moss Bank Children's Centre
Kentmere Avenue
Moss Bank
St Helens
WA11 7PQ


Family Hub Drop in Session - Every Monday (term time only) 1pm - 3pm
I have attached our flyer for this.
Training on the EHCP/Tribunal  Process - Wednesday 2nd October 2024 - 12.30 - 2.45
@ Sutton Family Hub Ellamsbridge Road Sutton St Helens WA9 3PY - parents to contact service 01744 673428 to book a place.

The purpose of the Local Offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available for children with special educational needs and disabilities in their area, and how to access them.

Get in Touch...

"I like the pictures and I like the interesting information it has on the website" - Pupil from Allanson Street Primary School

boy in a wheel chair