Please Note: The organisations listed on this page are not endorsed or recommended by St.Helens Council and the contact details are provided for information only. The Council does not guarantee the quality of the organisations listed. No liability is accepted by the Council on behalf of the organisations. The Council is not responsible for the content of any external links.
For information on the services provided by St Helens Local Authority, please see Related Pages on the right
Service Provider Directory
We still need service providers working with children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) to help us create a single source of information to help local parents and carers.
We would like to hear from any organisation or business who can offer services to families or carers of children and young people to help us create a new online directory - in line with new legislation.
The new council directory will provide a single point of contact to help parents and carers locate services and business which will make life a little easier for them and their children.
It also aims to clarify exactly what is available for a child within an early years setting, school, college and other services - including further information on education, health and social care. It also covers a range of other services as well as shops, nurseries and childminders.
So if you provide a service for our young people, or are business who have facilities or staff to help our families, then we want to hear from you!
Service providers who would like to be listed in the new directory should complete a service provider form.
If you have any problems with the form or need some clarity, please contact us at
Thank you for your help and check out our directory so far!!!